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About me

Kimberly Sattelmeier RMT graduated with distinction from the Advanced Massage Therapy 2200 hour diploma program from the Professional Institute of Massage Therapy in 2014. She is registered with MTAS. Kimberley also completed her 500-hour yoga teacher training in 2015. She is certified in the following courses, Myofascial Release, Anatomy trains, Craniosacral, Visceral Manipulation, Hot Stone deep tissue, Vacuum Cupping and Raindrop therapy.

She is fascinated with fascia, most of her studies are to work with and understand this system. Treating the body through the myofascial system is the most effective. Kimberley has learned many different assessment tests to understand and treat the more complicated issues that present in patients. Everything she does is with purpose to help improve function and reduce restrictions. Each complex individual has been her greatest teacher. She will always strive to provide the highest quality of care and customize each treatment to meet your specific needs.

Kimberley can do faster aggressive deep tissue work however, hypertension is usually caused by nerve or artery compression. Relaxing the nervous system helps the reflex spasms in seemingly unrelated areas, also relax. Craniosacral, Visceral, and fascial release improve connectivity so people can operate at there highest potentials. She also has been doing Hot Stone massage, Cupping and Raindrop therapy for 10 years. There are different options so don't be afraid to try something different.

My Story

I have been asked a few times why I became a massage therapist. My answer is often not complete, because while working I'm trying to focus on what the tissues are telling me, rather than tell my story. I am so passionate about my job because I've been through hell and back with my health several times.

To begin, I was born with a pneumonia. I struggled with breathing issues most of my life. I have also dealt with musculoskeletal, organ, autoimmune and nervous system issues. At a young age I realized the limitations of conventional medicine and the importance of natural healing. After being prescribed multiple antibiotics for various ailments, I began researching natural solutions, which helped me personally more then medications.

Yoga taught me how to meditate and control my thoughts, but it barely scratched the surface of my physical health. I found out I was hypermobile, and stretching isn't what my body needs. I needed to strengthen everything, especially my core. I started Pilates and had a trainer for a few years. I’ve also found an amazing physiotherapist who understands diaphragms and breathing functions. I recommend her to everyone if they are curious. My studies have also brought me to repairing diaphragm function through fascial release. I’ve learned how to relax my nervous system, which is harder then it sounds, but the body needs to be able to deeply relax for the nerves to be able to repair.

I am still not a perfect human, but I've come a long way. I have been able to help myself heal so I believe you can help yourself heal too!

Why do I need do to Range of Motion testing before the massage?

Treatment success can be gaged by seeing improvement of mobility in an area after the treatment.

Assessment tests are useful for finding areas of dysfunction. This is important because the problem often doesn’t originate from the same area experiencing symptoms. Kim strives to locate the primary issue presenting that day. Then she treats according to your individual needs possibility for success.

Of course there are other factors that help facilitate change in the tissues, such are lifestyle and metabolic health. I will refer you to other health care professionals if I think they will be beneficial to your healing journey as well.

How often should i come back?

Its hard to recommend how frequently to get treatments. This is because everyone experiences adaptive changes differently. Some people will notice a big change right after while others will take longer. Some results will last longer then others as well. There are many factors involved.

Negative habitual patterns can get set up quickly and it can take a while for this pattern to eventually give. Humans also have tension patterns that can re-appear. We have to be patience with ourselves on our healing journey.

  • Kim works by appointment only.

  • Please book an appointment online.

  • I am often unable to answer the phone. Please leave a message so I can get back to you when I am available.

Please check my schedule for hours of availability